Nacht der Musiken

Unplugged Concerts by Susie Asado / Kombinat Feinripp

Sat - 19. Apr. 2008 - 21:00

Susie Asado

\"\"Susie Asado is a poem by Gertrude Stein. This Susie Asado is Josepha Conrad. She is not a poem although she likes to write them. She also likes Gertrude Stein. So much is apparent. You might know her from Crazy for Jane. You might know her from the park. You might have seen her in the movie Berlin Song. Josepha writes songs and she will sing them for you. Happily. Her songs are about geographic challenges about borders and border patrol about falling in love with border patrol and with countries and that is more than one country. She likes places such as Mexico although she has never been. She likes the word. She likes Olympia. For the O and the grandeur of it. She likes Berlin. She lives there. Her hometowns are Frankfurt am Main and Chicago and she also suffers from Chief Niwot's Curse having laid her eyes on the Flatirons of the Rocky Mountains. Yes, she is superstitious. And she drinks a lot of tea. "Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet tea. Susie Asado." Her debut Album "Hello Antenna", which is about all the above mentioned, will be released by lolila ( in March of 2008. Yeah!

Kombinat Feinripp

\"\"Nach zehn Jahren Abstinenz meldet sich nun das Kombinat Feinripp mit einem neuen Album zurück. Zloty Vazquez, zwischenzeitlich mit der Band Dativ Boys beschäftigt, versucht es auch diesmal auf eigene Faust. Auf "Für die Küche" folgt nun "Probantenstadt".

Vom Privaten in die Öffentlichkeit !

Cocktails - Happy Hour von 21:00 bis 23:00 Uhr

Eintritt: 3,- €
(Mitglieder mit Ausweis 2,- €)